THE LONGEST TEXT EVER! - like this was inspired by flamingchicken's LTE and the other wall of text in the book "Pick Me Up". I am going for now just a world record, but a UNIVERSE RECORD! I am trying to type the longest and most confusing and most random website ever made our of completely text wait not really all text but a little bit of pictures.
Biggest Wiki’s Longest Text Ever by Misc544 | Biggest Wikia ... › wiki › Biggest_Wiki’s_LongestDec 09, 2021 · In 2004, the Flaming Chicken Longest Text Ever was created. It ended with 203,941 characters in 2005. Also in 2004, the Hermnerp Longest Text Ever came, and it was written by two people. That's why it has 230,634 characters. So, I decided to use the format for the Longest Page made in the Lorem Ipsums subpages. The next Longest Text Ever (LTE) was just text, no chapters and no sections (even though to start a chapter or section, you needed to type text), but it was slow for me to edit that.
THE LONGEST TEXT EVER! › kenneth03 › lteSo like this was inspired by flamingchicken's LTE and the other wall of text in the book "Pick Me Up". I am going for now just a world record, but a UNIVERSE RECORD! I am trying to type the longest and most confusing and most random website ever made our of completely text wait not really all text but a little bit of pictures.
List of oldest documents - Wikipedia Kish tablet, a small limestone tablet from the middle Uruk period of ancient Mesopotamia, contains pictographic inscriptions exemplifying an early precursor to Cuneiform. Many similar tablets have been found from the same period, all of which have proven difficult to date using radiocarbon dating; among these, The Kish tablet has the earliest proposed date of manufacture, although it may be from the later Uruk IV period, around 3200 BC.
The Longest Text Ever › 2021 › 02Feb 18, 2021 · Welcome to the Longest Text Ever, which shall be the longest text ever. There is no record of a world record for the Longest Text Ever, so I will just strive to make it as long as I can. As for the rules of the Longest Text Ever, they have been up to debate. ‘No copy and paste’, ‘you can copy and paste’, ‘no spellcheck’, ‘you can use spellcheck’, and so on.