07.04.2020 · LSTM appears to be theoretically involved, but its Pytorch implementation is pretty straightforward. Also, while looking at any problem, it is very important to choose the right metric, in our case if we’d gone for accuracy, the model seems to be doing a very bad job, but the RMSE shows that it is off by less than 1 rating point, which is comparable to human performance!
04.09.2021 · Music Genre Classification with LSTMs. Classify music files based on genre from the GTZAN music corpus; GTZAN corpus is included for easy of use; Use multiple layers of LSTM Recurrent Neural Nets; Implementations in PyTorch, PyTorch-Lightning, Keras; Test trained LSTM model. In the ./weights/ you can find trained model weights and model ...
Text classification based on LSTM on R8 dataset for pytorch implementation - GitHub - jiangqy/LSTM-Classification-pytorch: Text classification based on LSTM ...
LSTM-based Models for Sentence Classification in PyTorch - GitHub - yuchenlin/lstm_sentence_classifier: LSTM-based Models for Sentence Classification in ...
"LSTM_sentence_classifier.py" Remark: This model is the simplest version of LSTM-Softmax Classifier. It doesn't use mini-batch or pretrained word embedding. Note that there is not fixed lenght of the sentences. Its performance with Adam(lr = 1e …
05.07.2018 · LSTM_pytorch. The goal of this repository is to train LSTM model for a classification purpose on simple datasets which their difficulties/size are scalable. The examples have variable sequence length which using pack_padded_sequence and pad_packed_sequence is …