openwrt-luci 常见应用包的解释 | 码农家园 #Openvirtual客户端 luci-app-openvirtual-server #Openvirtual服务器 luci-app-oscam #OSCAM服务器 luci-app-p910nd #打印服务器模块 luci-app-pagekitec #Pagekite内网穿透客户端 luci-app-polipo #Polipo代理 luci-app-privoxy #Privoxy带过滤功能代理 luci-app-radicale #CalDAV/CardDAV同步工具
[OpenWrt Wiki] Watchcat - network watchdog utility › docs › guide-userDec 19, 2021 · Watchcat - network watchdog utility Install the packages watchcat and luci-app-watchcat . Watchcat is a ping-watchdog utility that allows you to set up rules for when a ping to a particular host fails. The following modes of operation are available Ping Reboot: reboot the OpenWrt device if a ping to a specific host fails
自编译树莓派 OpenWrt 完全指南 (二) - 参数配置 | 美丽应用 · luci-app-ttyd # TTYD 终端命令行 luci-app-upnp # UPnP 服务 luci-app-usb-printer # USB 打印服务器 luci-app-v2ray-pro # V2Ray 代理 luci-app-vlmcsd # KMS 服务器设置 luci-app-vnstat # vnStat 网络监控 (图表) luci-app-vsftpd # FTP 服务器 luci-app-watchcat # 断网检测与定时重启 luci-app-webadmin # Web 管理页面设置