Coverity Scan: OpenWrt › projectsluci-lib-nixio, No, 0, N/A ... odhcpd-full/.*, No, 7,383, 2.57. odhcpd-ipv6only .*/build_dir/target-.*/odhcpd-ipv6only/.*, No, 6,488, 2.62. odhcpd .
[OpenWrt Wiki] Unbound · The UCI/LuCI features should be familiar to those that have tweaked dnsmasq in the past. “How To” are available for integration with either dnsmasq or odhcpd. “How To” are available to configure Unbound as forwarding client of DoT. DNS over TLS is fully supported with Unbound configuration helpers in UCI and LuCI.
如何编译移植lean的固件到官方固件 · 1、target system 选择X86,subtarget选择x86_64,target images里关闭gzip images。. 修改固件大小可以在 Kernel partition size (in MB) Root filesystem partition size (in MB) 进行修改。. 2、luci-application里面选择你要安装的包,注意把ssr-plus下面的都选上,这样可以用v2ray,ss-libev进行科学上网 ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] odhcpd rader · 01.10.2021 · odhcpd is a daemon for serving and relaying IP management protocols to configure clients and downstream routers. It tries to follow the RFC 6204 requirements for IPv6 home routers.. odhcpd provides server services for DHCP, RA, stateless SLAAC and stateful DHCPv6, prefix delegation and can be used to relay RA, DHCPv6 and NDP between routed (non …