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lur instrument

Lur - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Lur
A lur, also lure or lurr, is a long natural blowing horn without finger holes that is played with a brass-type embouchure. Lurs can be straight or curved in various shapes. The purpose of the curves was to make long instruments easier to carry (e.g. for marching, like the modern sousaphone) and to avoid directing the loud noise at nearby people.
Neverlurenellerlanglurenforbindes helst med seterlivet og var budeias instrument. Luren er et overblåsingsinstrument; uten fingerhull, og med et omfang på 7-8 toner ( naturtonerekka), kan man spille enkle stubber og signaler. Instrumentet er laget av to halvdeler, fruru eller gran som er uthult, sammenlimt og utvendig formet før nevra legges på.
The lurs of the Bronze Age - National Museum of Denmark
en.natmus.dk › historical-knowledge › denmark
A lur or lur horn is a wind instrument cast in bronze dating to the Late Bronze Age (c. 1000 BC). Most of these lurs have come from Denmark, where a total of 39 have been found. Sweden, Norway and northern Germany too have produced examples. The curving shape of the tubes recalls ox horns, on which the lurs may have been modelled.
Lur (instrument) — Wikipédia
Un lur norvégien en bois. Le lur ou lure est un instrument de musique à vent scandinave. C'est une sorte de trompe plus ou moins droite. On retrouve l'appellation lur dans les Sagas islandaises (lors du Ragnarök, Heimdall, gardien de Bifröst, souffle dans son lur ( Gjallarhorn) pour appeler hommes et dieux au combat).
Lur - Wikipedia
The earliest references to an instrument called the lur come from Icelandic sagas, where they are described as war instruments, used to marshal troops and frighten the enemy. These lurs, several examples of which have been discovered in longboats, are straight, end-blown wooden tubes, around one metre long. They do not have finger holes, and are played much like a modern brass instrument.
Lur (instrument) - frwiki.wiki
https://no.frwiki.wiki › wiki › Lur_(instrument)
En norsk trelur. Den lur eller lokke er et skandinavisk vind musikkinstrument . Det er en slags mer eller mindre rett koffert. Vi finner navnet lur i islandske ...
Lur – Wikipedia
Lur er et av Norges eldste musikkinstrumenter, og kan føres tilbake til bronsealderen. Man skiller i dag mellom to ulike hovedtyper av dette blåseinstrumentet. Den ene luren er av metall, og ble benyttet i bronsealderen. Lengden kunne være opptil 2,5 meter, og lurene ser ut til å ha blitt lagt parvis – den ene vridd mot høyre, den andre mot venstre. Når de er funnet i myrerog an…
Lur - Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org › wiki › Lur
Lur er et av Norges eldste musikkinstrumenter, og kan føres tilbake til bronsealderen. ... Man skiller i dag mellom to ulike hovedtyper av dette blåseinstrumentet ...
http://www.naturinstrumenter.no › Instrumenter › Neve...
The lure is an overblown instrument with no finger holes. Within a range of 7-8 notes ( within the harmonic scale) one can play simple snatches of songs and ...
Lur - Viking
www.viking.no › e › life
Lur The Lur The lur from the Oseberg find is just a small fraction of items found in a burial mound richly equipped for a Norwegian princess at her burial in AD 834 according to C14 dating. The cone-shaped wind instrument was found in a box made of oak wood, richly decorated with iron ornaments, along with other items.
LUR. Unik norsk produsert Lur | FINN.no
https://www.finn.no › ...
Unik lur. Kraftig lyd Laget av Bjørk. Jeg har laget ca 10 lurer og 140 didgeridooer. Jeg bruker samme produksjonsteknikk på lur som Didgeridoo.
Viking instrument Lur - Trolljagarn - YouTube
19.02.2009 · Instrument: Lur, usually used for giving signals or warnings, but also for music. This type of Lur made of wood has been used since at laest the viking age, ...
lur | musical instrument | Britannica
https://www.britannica.com › art
lur, also spelled lure, bronze horn, or trumpet, found in prehistoric Scandinavian excavations. It has a conical bore that extends in length from roughly 5 ...
What's That Sound? The Lur - Luminari
www.luminari.org › 2017/05/19 › whats-sound-lur
May 19, 2017 · The lur (pronounced like the fishing lure) is a natural blowing horn that has no finger holes. The very first ones originated during the Bronze Age (thousands of years BC), and were used as war instruments to marshal troops and to scare the enemy. The bronze ones were curved with a large bell head.
The lurs of the Bronze Age - National Museum of Denmark
A lur or lur horn is a wind instrument cast in bronze dating to the Late Bronze Age (c. 1000 BC). Most of these lurs have come from Denmark, where a total of 39 have been found. Sweden, Norway and northern Germany too have produced examples. The curving shape of the tubes recalls ox horns, on which the lurs may have been modelled.
lur - Store norske leksikon
https://snl.no › ... › Populærmusikk › Folkemusikk
Lur, blåseinstrument av tre, bark eller metall som spilles på samme måte som en trompet ved at leppene vibrerer mot blåseenden, ...
Lur - Viking
The lur from the Oseberg find is just a small fraction of items found in a burial mound richly equipped for a Norwegian princess at her burial in AD 834 according to C14 dating. The cone-shaped wind instrument was found in a box made of oak wood, richly decorated with iron ornaments, along with other items.
lur - Store norske leksikon
Lur, blåseinstrument av tre, bark eller metall som spilles på samme måte som en trompet ved at leppene vibrerer mot blåseenden, som noen ganger kan være formet som et munnstykke. Melodien framkommer ved hjelp av overblåsingsteknikk, som får fram ulike deltoner av naturtoneskalaen. Lengre lurer gir flere toner og større musikalske muligheter.
lur | musical instrument | Britannica
www.britannica.com › art › lur-musical-instrument
lur, also spelled lure, bronze horn, or trumpet, found in prehistoric Scandinavian excavations. It has a conical bore that extends in length from roughly 5 to 8 feet (1.5 to 2.5 metres) in a bent S-shape (somewhat resembling a mammoth tusk) and ends in an embossed metal disk. The mouthpiece of the lur is permanently affixed.
What's That Sound? The Lur - Luminari
https://www.luminari.org › whats-s...
The lur (pronounced like the fishing lure) is a natural blowing horn that has no finger holes. The very first ones originated during the Bronze ...