lxc-checkconfig(1) - Linux manual page
www.man7.org › linux › man-pagesIf you discover any rendering problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to man-pages@man7.org 2021-08-26 LXC-CHECKCONFIG(1)
Linux Containers - LXC - Documentation
https://linuxcontainers.org/lxc/documentationThe first LXC version to ship with the stable API was LXC 1.0.0. Only symbols listed in lxccontainer.h are part of the API, everything else is internal to LXC and can change at any point. C¶ As mentioned above, lxccontainer.h is our public C API. Some of the best examples of API usage are the bindings and the LXC tools themselves.
Linux Containers - LXC - Documentation
linuxcontainers.org › lxc › documentationThe first LXC version to ship with the stable API was LXC 1.0.0. Only symbols listed in lxccontainer.h are part of the API, everything else is internal to LXC and can change at any point. C¶ As mentioned above, lxccontainer.h is our public C API. Some of the best examples of API usage are the bindings and the LXC tools themselves.
Containers - lxc | Ubuntu
https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/containers-lxcLXC also supports ordering and grouping of containers, as well as reboot and shutdown by autostart groups. See the manual pages for lxc-autostart and lxc.container.conf for more information. Apparmor. LXC ships with a default Apparmor profile intended to protect the host from accidental misuses of privilege inside the container.
lxc(7) - Linux manual page
www.man7.org › linux › man-pagesThe lxc-start command will directly run the specified command in the container. The PID of the first process is 1. If no command is specified lxc-start will run the command defined in lxc.init.cmd or if not set, /sbin/init. To summarize, lxc-execute is for running an application and lxc-start is better suited for running a system.