Ma Baker – Wikipedia Baker on saksalaisen Boney M.-yhtyeen esittämä hittikappale vuodelta 1977.Se julkaistiin yhtyeen toisella albumilla Love for Sale sekä erikseen singlenä, joka nousi listaykköseksi muun muassa Länsi-Saksassa kolmen viikon ajaksi sekä kakkoseksi Britanniassa.. Musiikillisesti kappale on yhtyeelle tavanomainen. Sen tarina perustuu Arizona Donnie Barkerin (1873–1935) …
Ma Baker - Wikipedia"Ma Baker" is a song by disco group Boney M., released as a single in 1977. It was the first single off their second album Love for Sale and their third consecutive chart-topper in Germany. The song was a huge success in Europe, topping the charts in many countries there. It was a number 2 hit in the UK (only surpassed by Donna Summer's "I Feel Love"). In the U.S, the song only reached number 96.
Ma Barker - Wikipedia• "Ma Webster", played by Blanche Yurka in the 1940 film Queen of the Mob is based on Barker. Changes in the names and depiction of events were at the request of the FBI. • The character of "Ma Jarrett" in the 1949 James Cagney film White Heat is thought to be based on Ma Barker. • Ma was played by Jean Harvey in 2 episodes of the TV series Gang Busters (1952).
Ma Barker – Wikipedia Barker. Kate Barker (født som Arizona Donnie Clark i 1871 i Ashe Grove i Missouri i USA, død 16. januar 1935) kjent som Ma Baker var en amerikansk kriminell som sammen med sine fire sønner drev gangstervirksomhet i USA i tretti-årene. Hun hadde fire sønner og mellom 1931 og 1935 gjennomførte hun sammen med sønnene flere bankran og ...
Ma Baker - Wikipedia › wiki › Ma_Baker"Ma Baker" is a song by disco group Boney M., released as a single in 1977. It was the first single off their second album Love for Sale and their third consecutive chart-topper in Germany. The song was a huge success in Europe, topping the charts in many countries there.
Ma Barker - Wikipedia › wiki › Ma_BarkerKate Barker (née Clark; October 8, 1873 – January 16, 1935), better known as Ma Barker and sometimes known as Arizona Barker and Arrie Barker, was the mother of several American criminals who ran the Barker-Karpis gang during the "public enemy era" when the exploits of gangs of criminals in the Midwest gripped the American people and press.