Ma Baker (song) | Gagapedia | Fandom › wiki › Ma_Baker_(song)" Ma Baker " is a song by German band Boney M., released as a single in 1977. It was the first single of their second album Love for Sale and their third consecutive chart-topper in Germany and their best yet placing in the UK, peaking at No. 2 (only surpassed by Donna Summer's "I Feel Love") although only a minor single in the US (No. 96).
Ma Barker - Wikipedia Barker (née Clark; October 8, 1873 – January 16, 1935), better known as Ma Barker and sometimes known as Arizona Barker and Arrie Barker, was the mother of several American criminals who ran the Barker-Karpis gang during the " public enemy era" when the exploits of gangs of criminals in the Midwest gripped the American people and press.
Ma Baker (song) | Gagapedia | Fandom" Ma Baker " is a song by German band Boney M., released as a single in 1977. It was the first single of their second album Love for Sale and their third consecutive chart-topper in Germany and their best yet placing in the UK, peaking at No. 2 (only surpassed by Donna Summer's "I Feel Love") although only a minor single in the US (No. 96).
Talk:Ma Baker - Wikipedia › wiki › Talk:Ma_BakerThe name of the song is Ma Baker, but the name of the criminal is Ma Barker 23:35, 27 January 2006 (UTC) The Ma Dalton in Lucky Luke definitely precedes the song, so it should be made clear that the Ma Dalton references Ma Barker, not Ma Baker...
Ma Barker – Wikipedia Barker. Kate Barker (født som Arizona Donnie Clark i 1871 i Ashe Grove i Missouri i USA, død 16. januar 1935) kjent som Ma Baker var en amerikansk kriminell som sammen med sine fire sønner drev gangstervirksomhet i USA i tretti-årene. Hun hadde fire sønner og mellom 1931 og 1935 gjennomførte hun sammen med sønnene flere bankran og ...
Ma Baker – Wikipedia Aufnahme stieg am 16. Mai des Jahres in die deutschen Singlecharts ein und konnte sich dort bis Platz eins hocharbeiten. Sie blieb 28 Wochen in den Charts. In Österreich und in der Schweiz kam die Single am 15. Juni bzw. 28. Mai in die Hitparade und stieg auch hier bis auf die Spitzenposition. In weiteren Ländern Europas erreichte sie ebenfalls die Spitzenposition der Hitparaden, so in Frankreich, den Niederlanden, Belgien, Schweden und Norwegen. In den britisc…
Ma Baker - Wikipedia Farian's assistant Hans-Jörg Mayer discovered a popular Tunisian folkloric song, "Sidi Mansour" while on holiday, and rewrote the song into a disco track. The lyrics by Fred Jay were inspired by the story of legendary 1930s US outlaw Ma Barker, although the name was changed into "Ma Baker" because "it sounded better". With a structure similar to Boney M.'s breakthrough single "Daddy Cool", using the same gimmic…
Ma Baker - Wikipedia › wiki › Ma_Baker" Ma Baker " is a song by disco group Boney M., released as a single in 1977. It was the first single off their second album Love for Sale and their third consecutive chart-topper in Germany. The song was a huge success in Europe, topping the charts in many countries there.
Ma Barker - Wikipedia › wiki › Ma_BarkerKate Barker (née Clark; October 8, 1873 – January 16, 1935), better known as Ma Barker and sometimes known as Arizona Barker and Arrie Barker, was the mother of several American criminals who ran the Barker-Karpis gang during the " public enemy era" when the exploits of gangs of criminals in the Midwest gripped the American people and press.