Nouns made from verbs « Grammar Notes › nouns-made-from-verbsFeb 27, 2007 · Nouns made from verbs. 1-sis -ure . Make nouns ending in -sis or -ure from the following verbs, making any necessary changes in spelling. Then put each noun in its correct place in the sentences below. emphasize hypnotize sign seize diagnose fail analyse close paralyse enclose (a) The doctor’s _____was that I had bronchitis.
MAKING NOUNS FROM VERBS – Simply Englify · Nouns are words that denote the name of a person, place or thing. Verbs are words that describe an action, state or occurrence of an event. Nouns and Verbs are two different subjects, yet can be related by deriving Nouns from Verbs. This is done by adding the suffix -r, -er, -or, -ment, -ion, -ation, -sion, or -al at the end of verbs. Examples: