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makepkg script

Makepkg - Manjaro wiki
https://wiki.manjaro.org › index.php
makepkg is a script that automates the building of packages. It can download and validate source files, check dependencies, configure build-time ...
termux-makepkg from Auxilus - Github Help
https://githubhelp.com › Auxilus
Script termux-makepkg searches file 'MANIFEST' in current directory and executes steps defined in it. This file is a just a Bash script and usually it looks ...
makepkg script issues / Installation / Arch Linux Forums
10.01.2017 · Re: makepkg script issues. May i suggest adding the aur helper to the archiso instead, by building a custom archiso. Then call the aur helper with --root /mnt to install to the new installed system's root. This assumes that the aur helper passes the --root option on to pacman. That way you won't have to "bootstrap" the AUR because you have an ...
archlinux - python script for installing aur packages ...
I think this is a bad idea. It is a bit sleazy for scripts to read passwords and drag them along for quite a while through insecure memory because they want to execute something as root in the end. If you insist, it will, however, work analogous to option 2. Option 2: Executing script as root, demoting subprocesses to user for git clone and makepkg
Exploring the PKGBUILD Arch script | Linux.org
07.10.2021 · makepkg -g >> PKGBUILD && makepkg (06-27 13:25) Here i evoke makepkg with the g flag; its going to download the source file, generate a checksum for the file and put that info back into the pkgbuild script and then run makepkg on the new pkgbuild script .
makepkg(8) - Arch Linux
The advantage to a script-based build is that the work is only done once. Once you have the build script for a package, makepkg will do the rest: download and validate source files, check dependencies, configure the build-time settings, build the package, install the package into a temporary root, make customizations, generate meta-info, and package the whole thing up for …
makepkg(8) - Man pages - Docs.sk
http://man.docs.sk › makepkg
makepkg - make Slackware packages. ... makepkg creates a new Slackware compatible package. ... they will be converted to script code to recreate them.
Alternative (fake) makepkg to create Slackware packages ...
mkpkg: A shorter script with no options compatibility with the official makepkg. Both scripts do everything within a single function. This was done so that either function could be easily copied and pasted into other scripts (e.g. my latest-vivaldi, latest-opera, latest-chrome, latest-firefox and latest-skype scripts). License
Creating a PKGBUILD to Make Packages for Arch Linux - It's ...
07.07.2021 · This variable supports setting multiple values, so makepkg requires a different syntax as shown below. To set it, enter the following in the PKGBUILD: arch= ("x86_64") If you were to set multiple values for this, you would separate each value with a space and quotation marks like so: arch= (“x86_x64” “arm”) depends.
Signing Packages Unattended / Creating & Modifying ...
14.12.2021 · Edit: Turns out the script isn't actually caching the passphrase, seems like I'm doing something wrong. That was probably why makepkg was prompting for input, not sure why GPG wasn't at that time ,though. Last edited by Eile_Kerning (2021-12-14 14:07:09)
makepkg man | Linux Command Library
https://linuxcommandlibrary.com › ...
makepkg is a script to automate the building of packages. The requirements for using the script are a build-capable *nix platform and a custom build script ...
makepkg - ArchWiki
https://wiki.archlinux.org › title
makepkg is a script to automate the building of packages. The requirements for using the script are a build-capable Unix platform and a ...
Programming Linux Games - Side 386 - Resultat for Google Books
https://books.google.no › books
When the fake root tree is ready to go, run the makepkg script (included with Slackware) to create a .tgz package that can be installed with Slackware's ...
Should I make a little script to git pull and makepkg -si all my ...
https://www.reddit.com › comments
52 votes, 26 comments. I keep all my AUR packages in the same directory, and I was thinking of just writing a little a script that I could ...
makepkg(8) — Arch manual pages
makepkg is a script to automate the building of packages. The requirements for using the script are a build-capable *nix platform and a custom build script for each package you wish to build (known as a PKGBUILD). See PKGBUILD(5) for details …
pacman/makepkg.8.txt at master - GitHub
https://github.com › master › doc
makepkg is a script to automate the building of packages. The requirements for using the script are a build-capable \*nix platform and a custom build script ...