WiFi Slow on Fresh Manjaro Install : ManjaroLinux
www.reddit.com › r › ManjaroLinuxTurn off Bluetooth if it's on or connect to 5Ghz wifi exclusively. Bluetooth is on the same frequency as 2,4Ghz wifi which will cripple your speed as packets "crash" into each other. Restart the router too. Can't hurt. Drivers on Linux aren't far enough to mitigate the BT and wifi problem, yet. Windows can do it under most circumstances.
Raspberry pi 4 - can't detect 5GHz network
forums.kali.org › showthreadFeb 25, 2020 · I have tried from iwlist wlan0 scan and I couldn't detect 5GHz network even though the AP is sitting next to my raspberry. I have compared it with Rasbian (no issues - I can connect to 5GHz network from the GUI) - ArchLinux based Manjaro and got the same problem (couldn't detect 5GHz wifi) - however installing crda package fix the