manjaro 安装 deb 包 - 知乎 › p › 83335242Sep 19, 2019 · manjaro 安装 deb 包 - 知乎 manjaro 安装 deb 包 fallen 曾经也是追风少年 6 人 赞同了该文章 ### step1、检查有没有安装 `` debtap sudo pacman -Q debtap 没有就安装 yaourt -S debtap ### step2、 升级debtap sudo debtap -u ### 使用方法 sudo debtap xxxx.deb 安装时会提示输入包名,以及license。 包名随意,license就填GPL吧 上述操作完成后会在deb包同级目录生成×.tar.xz文件,直接用pacman安装即可 sudo pacman -U x.tar.xz 发布于 2019-09-19 Arch Linux Linux
Manjaro - enjoy the simplicity
manjaro.orgManjaro. Manjaro is an accessible, friendly, and open-source operating system. Providing all the benefits of cutting-edge software combined with a focus on getting started quickly, automated tools to require less manual intervention, and help readily available when needed, Manjaro is suitable for both newcomers and experienced computer users.