En termes simples, apt-get est une commande utilisée avec le gestionnaire de paquets apt trouvé sur les distributions basées sur Debian. Manjaro est basé sur arch, et utilise donc le gestionnaire pacman. Si vous préférez les commandes basées sur apt, vous pouvez opter pour l’utilisation du gestionnaire pamac à la place.
27.03.2018 · Hello everybody I am new to manjaro, but not to linux. I used debian-like, ubuntu, mint, .... I want to know if there is an equivalent to the debian apt-mirror which allow you to create your own local mirror. very useful for installing et updating serveral from a local repository!!! I know pacman does something like apt-get . thanks a lot regards
Manjaro Linux is a distribution that is based on Arch Linux, therefore we will not have the APT package manager but we will have Pacman. Pacman is a very simple ...
I'm a bit new to manjaro so don't rat me out! :stuck_out_tongue: When I attempt to run: ' sudo apt-get install {/path/to/}nordvpn-release_1.0.0_all.deb from ...
How to use apt-get on manjaro? I don't know if it even is possible to change your command prompt to be like debian on a pacman linux distro, but my friend really wanted to know if it was possible if you could rather use sudo apt-get instead of the pacman commands in linux terminal.
23.08.2020 · hello i just installed the first manjaro on my pc because i want to migrate from windows 10 to manjaro and i have successfully installed manjaro on my pc. but I don’t know why every time I run sudo apt there is always a message like this (sudo: apt: command not found) even I am looking for any tutorial still not found like bash, etc.
The equivalent of apt-get update in Arch Linux is pacman -Syy. pacman -Syu is equivalent to apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. Might as well make this complete if it stays... pacman -S <package> is apt-get install <package> Share. Improve …
11.02.2016 · Arch Linux does NOT use apt or apt-get, instead, however, it uses pacman. the syntax for pacman is quite different than apt-get; it uses -S to install packages instead of install. eg: sudo pacman -S [package].
System requirements · Get the Flutter SDK. Install Flutter using snapd; Install Flutter manually; Run flutter doctor; Update your path · Android setup. Install ...
Oct 23, 2018 · sudo apt-get install... This apt-get is Debian based for distros such as Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, MX, Sparky... Manjaro is Arch based distro, different way of installing. For starter look into Pamac what is inside is easy to install and safe. You can also access AUR packages with Pamac.
Aug 23, 2020 · hello i just installed the first manjaro on my pc because i want to migrate from windows 10 to manjaro and i have successfully installed manjaro on my pc. but I don’t know why every time I run sudo apt there is always a message like this (sudo: apt: command not found) even I am looking for any tutorial still not found like bash, etc.
Feb 11, 2016 · Arch Linux does NOT use apt or apt-get, instead, however, it uses pacman. the syntax for pacman is quite different than apt-get; it uses -S to install packages instead of install. eg: sudo pacman -S [package].
That done, it's time to install the package (s), and it's a pretty easy task. In Manjaro / Arch Linux there are some Plus: sudo apt-get install package / sudo apt-get install pack 1 pack 2 / sudo apt-get install -y package / yet sudo apt install package. sudo pacman -S package_name = install package. sudo pacman -Sw package_name = just download the package and do not install it.
What is the pacman equivalent to "sudo apt-get install build-essential" Currently using Manjaro 18 Gnome and realised the "make install" command is missing, is there a pacman equivalent to the command above or should I install the "make" command using another way? 3 comments. share.
Apr 18, 2019 · In simple terms, apt-get is a command used with the apt package manager found on Debian based distros. Manjaro is based on arch, and therefore uses the pacman manager. If you prefer apt based commands, you may opt the use the pamac manager instead. Hope this info answers your question!
23.10.2018 · I'm a bit new to manjaro so don't rat me out! :stuck_out_tongue: When I attempt to run: ' sudo apt-get install {/path/to/}nordvpn-release_1.0.0_all.deb from the terminal, It prompts me to type in the administrator pas…
How to use apt-get on manjaro? I don't know if it even is possible to change your command prompt to be like debian on a pacman linux distro, but my friend really wanted to know if it was possible if you could rather use sudo apt-get instead of the pacman commands in linux terminal. 13 comments. share. save. hide. report.
In Manjaro / Arch Linux there are some Plus: sudo apt-get install package / sudo apt-get install pack 1 pack 2 / sudo apt-get install -y package / yet sudo apt install package sudo pacman -S package_name = install package sudo pacman -Sw package_name = just download the package and do not install it.
07.08.2018 · Debian: apt-get install sniffles - also installs libsniffle, libsniffle-dev apt-get --purge remove sniffles - leaves libsniffle, libsniffle-dev which then have to be removed via autoremove. I'm not sure under what circumstances this won't even work and you'll end up having to use deborphan or somesuch.