Manjaro 内核损坏的修复方法 - 知乎 - Zhihu mkdir / mnt / manjaro sudo mount / dev / sda4 / mnt / manjaro # sda4为/分区所在设备,可以使用lsblk查看 [xueji @xueji-pc ~]$ lsblk NAME MAJ: MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8: 0 0 465. 8G 0 disk ├─ sda1 8: 1 0 70G 0 part ├─ sda2 8: 2 0 100G 0 part ├─ sda3 8: 3 0 250G 0 part └─ sda4 8: 4 0 45. 8G 0 part / sdb ...
Swap - ArchWiki - Arch Linux encryption. See dm-crypt/Swap encryption.. Performance. Swap operations are usually significantly slower than directly accessing data in RAM. Disabling swap entirely to improve performance can sometimes lead to a degradation, since it decreases the memory available for VFS caches, causing more frequent and costly disk I/O.
Aliases in .bashrc - Manjaro › indexWhat is an alias? .bashrc is the configuration file for bash, a linux shell/command interpreter. An alias is a substitute for a (complete) command. It can be thought of as a shortcut. .bashrc is found in the home folder of a user ( ~ ) . It is a hidden file, to see it show hidden files in your file manager or use ls -a.
Manjaro 内核损坏的修复方法 - 知乎 - Zhihu › p › 108801152sudo mkdir / mnt / manjaro sudo mount / dev / sda4 / mnt / manjaro # sda4为/分区所在设备,可以使用lsblk查看 [xueji @xueji-pc ~]$ lsblk NAME MAJ: MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8: 0 0 465. 8G 0 disk ├─ sda1 8: 1 0 70G 0 part ├─ sda2 8: 2 0 100G 0 part ├─ sda3 8: 3 0 250G 0 part └─ sda4 8: 4 0 45. 8G 0 part / sdb ...