i3 - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
wiki.archlinux.org › title › I3i3. From ArchWiki. Jump to navigation Jump to search. i3 is a dynamic tiling window manager inspired by wmii that is primarily targeted at developers and advanced users. The stated goals for i3 include clear documentation, proper multi-monitor support, a tree structure for windows, and different modes like in vim .
i3: i3status(1)
i3wm.org › i3status › manpagei3status is a small program for generating a status bar for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar, lemonbar or similar programs. It is designed to be very efficient by issuing a very small number of system calls, as one generally wants to update such a status line every second. This ensures that even under high load, your status bar is updated correctly.
i3: i3status(1)
https://i3wm.org/i3status/manpage.htmli3bar comes with i3 and provides a workspace bar which does the right thing in multi-monitor situations. It also comes with tray support and can display the i3status output. This output type uses JSON to pass as much meta-information to i3bar as possible (like colors, which blocks can be shortened in which way, etc.). dzen2
Manjaro - I3
https://www.manjaro.org/downloads/community/i3Try Manjaro without modifying your current operating system. Or install it to your hard drive. Learn how to create a bootable USB-Stick and use a virtual machine, setup a live system and install Manjaro.Finally check out our Manual and you are done, Enjoy.. YOU are awesome, Please consider donating and help guarantee the future of this project.