Which is better manjaro Xfce or KDE?
https://frameboxxindore.com/linux/which-is-better-manjaro-xfce-or-kde.htmlWhich is the best manjaro edition? If you like eyecandy and effects, try gnome, kde, deepin or cinnamon. If you want things to just work, try xfce, kde, mate or gnome. If you like tinkering and tweaking, try xfce, openbox, awesome, i3 or bspwm. If you are coming from MacOS, try Cinnamon but with the panel on top.
How to "reset" KDE panel, widgets, etc. after ... - Manjaro
archived.forum.manjaro.org › t › how-to-reset-kdeJul 25, 2020 · Recently, I lost one of my monitors. Notoriously, this messes up KDE. My old panel (aka taskbar) is now invisible, lost in the unmapped reaches of the old coordinate grid I had when I had more monitors, and, although I can add new panels, the old one is still there, capturing my Super (aka Meta aka Windows) key, so I can't raise the Launcher (aka Start Menu) for any new panels. Widgets are in ...
Manjaro - Downloads
https://manjaro.org/get-manjaroGet KDE Plasma 21.2.0. Built-in interface to easily access and install themes, widgets, etc. While very user-friendly and certainly flashy. This edition is supported by the Manjaro team and comes with KDE Plasma, a very modern and flexible desktop.