How to connect to wifi in CLI (Manjaro) ?? : linuxquestions I know how to install linux but I have some Windows programs I use. How can I run them on linux with wine or the native linux version? The programs are: Photoshop cs6, aimp, 4k video downloader, winamp, vmware, chrome, total commander, firefox, vlc, media player classic, windirstat or treesize, daemon tools, pirated quake3 arena, nitronic rush, obs studio, audacity, …
Installing WiFi Adapter Driver in Manjaro › questions › linuxSep 18, 2016 · Hi, So, I have a USB Wifi adapter dongle, and it isn't supported in the kernel. Installing it on Ubuntu-based distros is fine, it's just a matter of using git build-essential. I tried using the same commands in Manjaro, and I was greeted with an error, later finding out about PKGBUILD and makepkg, as opposed to simple make and sudo make install ...
Can't connect wifi - Network - Manjaro Linux Forum › t › cant-connect-wifiApr 07, 2021 · You also have a Qualcom Atheros QCA9565 wifi adapter installed. Could you try to install another kernel, for example linux510 or linux54? Try to add the linux54 kernel from the following terminal command. sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux54 You can also install this from the status notification bar in the top right desktop of your XFCE Manjaro environment.
WiFi Slow on Fresh Manjaro Install : ManjaroLinux › r › ManjaroLinuxManjaro is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Arch. A rolling release distro featuring a user-friendly installer, tested updates and a community of friendly users for support. Official releases include Xfce, KDE, Gnome, and the minimal CLI-Installer Architect. Community releases include Awesome, bspwm, Budgie, Cinnamon, i3, LXDE, LXQT, Mate ...