Linux-zen kernel on Manjaro? : ManjaroLinux › pwahpa › linuxzen_kernel_on_manjaroManjaro handles kernel packages fundamentally different instead of offering only the last supported versions like Arch Linux, Manjaro gives you different kernel versions to choose from (this also makes packaging for external kernel modules like Nvidia different) furthermore Manjaro implements some patches which Zen has like fsync into their default kernel, making a zen kernel less different anyway
Manjaro - Downloads Khadas Vim 1 I3 20.10. Manjaro ARM with the lightweight tiling window manager I3. This edition is supported by the Manjaro ARM team and comes with the i3 tiling window manager. I3 is an extremely lightweight tiling window manager, famous for its efficiency with screen space and keyboard controlled workflow.
Manjaro - Downloads › get-manjaroManjaro ARM with the lightweight tiling window manager sway. This edition is supported by the Manjaro ARM team and comes with the sway tiling window manager. sway is an extremely lightweight tiling window manager for Wayland, famous for its efficiency with screen space and keyboard controlled workflow.