Which is better manjaro Xfce or KDE?
frameboxxindore.com › linux › which-is-betterWhich is the best manjaro edition? If you like eyecandy and effects, try gnome, kde, deepin or cinnamon. If you want things to just work, try xfce, kde, mate or gnome. If you like tinkering and tweaking, try xfce, openbox, awesome, i3 or bspwm. If you are coming from MacOS, try Cinnamon but with the panel on top.
Manjaro Xfce vs KDE - linuxhint.com
linuxhint.com › manjaro-xfce-vs-kdeManjaro Xfce vs KDE Stability. Both the Manjaro Xfce and the KDE Plasma desktop environments are highly stable. Since the original release of the Xfce in 1996, it has been actively developed for more than 25 years. On the other hand, KDE Plasma desktop environment has a larger community and sponsors such as Google, Canonical, and OpenSUSE.
Which is better manjaro Xfce or KDE?
https://frameboxxindore.com/linux/which-is-better-manjaro-xfce-or-kde.htmlWhich is the best manjaro edition? If you like eyecandy and effects, try gnome, kde, deepin or cinnamon. If you want things to just work, try xfce, kde, mate or gnome. If you like tinkering and tweaking, try xfce, openbox, awesome, i3 or bspwm. If you are coming from MacOS, try Cinnamon but with the panel on top.