Lecture Notes 3 Multiple Random Variables
isl.stanford.edu/~abbas/ee178/lect03-2.pdfMarginal PMFs • Consider two discrete r.v.s X and Y . They are described by their joint pmf pX,Y (x,y). We can also define their marginal pmfs pX(x) and pY (y). How are these related? • To find the marginal pmf of X, we use the law of total probability pX(x) = X y∈Y p(x,y) for x ∈ X Similarly to find the marginal pmf of Y , we sum ...
Marginal distribution - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marginal_distributionThe marginal probability is the probability of a single event occurring, independent of other events. A conditional probability, on the other hand, is the probability that an event occurs given that another specific event has already occurred. This means that the calculation for one variable is dependent on another variable. The conditional distribution of a variable given another variable is the joint distribution of both v…