Universität Leipzig - Juristenfakultät | LLM GUIDE
llm-guide.com › schools › europeJun 22, 2015. Shaping the Future of Europe. Students at European Integration LL.M. programs across the continent are learning about the legal aspects of EU expansionand downsizing. Jun 11, 2007. Building Legal Bridges between "Old Europe" and "New Europe". LLM GUIDE surveys specialized LL.M. programs in European integration law. All Articles ...
SAE Institute Germany - Creative Media Education
www.sae.edu › deu › enThe ninth German campus: SAE Institute Hannover has open its doors recently. The future heads of the creative industry will lay the foundations for their careers right in the heart of the city. Stuttgart. The students at the Stuttgart campus in the district of Feuerbach are trained to become the media professionals of the future.