Journal of Materials Research | Home of Materials Research (JMR) publishes the latest advances about the creation of new materials and materials with novel functionalities, fundamental understanding of processes that control the response of materials, and development of materials with significant performance improvements relative to the state of the art materials. SciELO. The heritage of political passions in the families of former union militants. This research deals with the political affections in the family of former union militants from ABC Paulista and the corresponding resonance in the forms of political engagement of their sons.
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SciELO - Brazil Research Ibero-american Journal of Materials is an international journal on experimental, theoretical and simulation research on the processing, structure and properties of materials.. Due to high demand of articles received for publication, from 2012, the frequency of the journal Materials Research was changed from 4 to 6 issues per year.
SciELO - Materials Research Microstructural Characterization of Austenitic-Ferritic Stainless Steel Welded Joints by Double Loop Electrochemical Polarization Reactivation Portable Test. Materials Research, Volume: 25, Publicado: 2022. Continue lendo ».