Chapter 3: Programming in Mathematica › homes › enhMathematica provides abbreviated forms for incrementing variables. For example, we can use x++ in place of x=x+1 (as in C programming lan-guage) in the previous example: sum=0.0; x=1.0; While[1/x>0.15, sum=sum+1/x; Print[sum]; x++] The following table lists abbreviated forms for incrementing and making other
Wolfram Language Code Gallery Language Code Gallery. See the Wolfram Language in action. Covering a variety of fields, programming styles, and project sizes, the Wolfram Language Code Gallery shows examples of what can be done with the knowledge-based Wolfram Language—including deployment on the web or elsewhere. Fast Introduction to the Language (For Programmers)
Wolfram Language Code Gallery › language › galleryWolfram Language Code Gallery. See the Wolfram Language in action. Covering a variety of fields, programming styles, and project sizes, the Wolfram Language Code Gallery shows examples of what can be done with the knowledge-based Wolfram Language—including deployment on the web or elsewhere. Fast Introduction to the Language (For Programmers)
PROGRAMMING IN MATHEMATICA, A PROBLEM-CENTRED APPROACH › 13lecturesas Mathematica’s style of programming provides a condensed code). Thus this note. This note promotes Mathematica’s style of programming. I tried to show when we adopt this approach, how naturally one can solve (nice) problems with (Mathematica) style. Here is an example: Does the formula n2 +n+41 produce a prime number for n = 1 to 39? Solution.