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mathematica datasets

Datasets: Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language
www.wolfram.com › 2nd-ed › 45-datasets
Datasets Especially in larger organizations, computing often centers around dealing with large amounts of structured data. The Wolfram Language has a very powerful way to deal with structured data, using what it calls datasets. A simple example of a dataset is formed from an association of associations.
GitHub - deepmind/mathematics_dataset: This dataset code ...
01.11.2021 · This dataset code generates mathematical question and answer pairs, from a range of question types at roughly school-level difficulty. - GitHub - deepmind/mathematics_dataset: This dataset code generates mathematical question and answer pairs, from a range of question types at roughly school-level difficulty.
How to work with a Dataset? - Mathematica Stack Exchange
16.05.2017 · For the data set, I would like to be able to perform the following operations: Add a record. Add one or more Key-Value pairs to a given record. Modify the value associated with a key in a given record. Perform functions on the dataset, such as extracting records for which a particular key has a specified value, or total all keys for a set of ...
Wolfram Data Repository: Computable Access to Curated Data
The Wolfram Data Repository is a public resource that hosts an expanding collection of computable datasets, curated and structured to be suitable for ...
HDF5 (.h5, .hdf5)—Wolfram Language Documentation
HDF data format Version 5. General-purpose format for representing multidimensional datasets and images. Datasets with compound data structures are supported. Used for storage, management, and exchange of scientific data. HDF is an acronym for Hierarchical Data Format. Originally developed by the US National Center for Supercomputing ...
Dataset - Wolfram Language Documentation
https://reference.wolfram.com › ref
Wolfram|One · Mathematica · Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition · Finance Platform · System Modeler · Wolfram Player · Wolfram Engine · WolframScript.
Computation with Structured Datasets - Wolfram Language ...
https://reference.wolfram.com › Co...
The symbolic character of the Wolfram Language allows it to support an unprecedentedly flexible and general approach to structured datasets.
Dataset—Wolfram Language Documentation
Dataset interprets nested lists and associations in a row-wise fashion, so that level 1 (the outermost level) of the data is interpreted as the rows of a table, and level 2 is interpreted as the columns.; Named rows and columns correspond to associations at level 1 and 2, respectively, whose keys are strings that contain the names. Unnamed rows and columns correspond to …
Dataset—Wolfram Language Documentation
reference.wolfram.com › language › ref
Dataset interprets nested lists and associations in a row-wise fashion, so that level 1 (the outermost level) of the data is interpreted as the rows of a table, and level 2 is interpreted as the columns.
A primer on Association and Dataset - Wolfram Community
https://community.wolfram.com › ...
It's intended for people at a beginner-intermediate level of Mathematica/Wolfram Language programming, but might be of value even to some more advanced users ...
How do you deal with very large datasets in Mathematica?
mathematica.stackexchange.com › questions › 16048
The first is about dataset size, the second data wrangling. Part 1: I've built a naive Bayesian classifier on Mathematica. It uses KernelMixtureDistribution to train on a large (2mm row) dataset. About 200 fields, of which 30 are used. Two separate classes are trained.
Plot Data—Wolfram Language Documentation
reference.wolfram.com › language › howto
Plot Data. The Wolfram Language offers extensive support for plotting all kinds of data in many different ways. Consider the following data to be plotted (stored as sdata ): Copy to clipboard. Use ListPlot to plot sdata: Copy to clipboard. Plot sdata by filling to the axis: Copy to clipboard. Specify a color and increase the size of the data ...
Database-Like Operations on Datasets—Wolfram Language ...
Wolfram Language Dataset objects allow arbitrary hierarchical data on which a rich set of possible operations can be applied. Dataset objects can also directly represent traditional relational databases, on which Wolfram Language functions can be used to perform traditional SQL-like operations.
Wolfram Language (Mathematica) vs. Python for data science ...
12.02.2019 · Dataset. The Wolfram language has something similar to a pandas data-frame, called a dataset. While its similar some syntax is closer to SQL. titanic[Select[#age > 29 &]] titanic[GroupBy["sex"]] I work a lot with datasets but still I need to consult the documentation a lot. An a simple task such as adding a new column can be tricky:
Select Elements in a Dataset - Wolfram Language ...
https://reference.wolfram.com › Se...
If a Dataset query yields a list of elements, the value returned is a Dataset object. If a query yields a single object, the naked object is returned.
Database-Like Operations on Datasets - Wolfram Language ...
https://reference.wolfram.com › Da...
Wolfram Language Dataset objects allow arbitrary hierarchical data on which a rich set of possible operations can be applied. Dataset objects can also ...
Deepening A Commitment to Equitable, Data ... - mathematica.org
www.mathematica.org › news › deepening-a-commitment
Dec 13, 2021 · Mathematica will conduct evidence-based research, collect new data, and use existing data sets to address critical public health intervention questions. The questions relate to state and local CI/CT implementation efforts, participant action following notification, and the ability to reach vulnerable populations to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Datasets: Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language
https://www.wolfram.com › 45-dat...
The Wolfram Language displays most datasets in tabular form. You can extract parts from datasets just like you would from associations.
Enhance Curated Datasets with Built-In Data - Wolfram
https://www.wolfram.com › enhan...
Start with a dataset of Head Start locations, imported from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Copy to clipboard. In[1]:=. Click for copyable ...
Datasets: Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language
Create a simple dataset that can be viewed as having 2 rows and 3 columns: In [1]:=. Out [1]=. The Wolfram Language displays most datasets in tabular form. You can extract parts from datasets just like you would from associations. Get the element from “ row b” and “ …
A primer on Association and Dataset - Online Technical ...
A Dataset that just has a single Association inside. We can also have a Dataset that just has a single Association inside. Mathematica presents the information with the keys and values displayed vertically. Dataset[d3[[1]]] In theory, we could have a Dataset that just had a single number inside it. Dataset[6] Nice queries with Dataset
Join—Wolfram Language Documentation
reference.wolfram.com › language › ref
Join[list1, list2, ...] concatenates lists or other expressions that share the same head. Join[list1, list2, ..., n] joins the objects at level n in each of the listi.
Computation with Structured Datasets—Wolfram Language ...
The symbolic character of the Wolfram Language allows it to support an unprecedentedly flexible and general approach to structured datasets. Unifying both relational (SQL-like) and hierarchical (no-SQL) approaches, the Wolfram Language incorporates a new kind of uniquely powerful data query language\[LongDash]with seamless scaling from direct in-memory computation to …
New 12.1 Dataset Interactive Controls and Formatting Options
https://blog.wolfram.com › new-12...
In his blog post announcing the launch of Mathematica Version 12.1, Stephen Wolfram mentioned the extensive updates to Dataset that we ...
Plot Data—Wolfram Language Documentation
Plot Data. The Wolfram Language offers extensive support for plotting all kinds of data in many different ways. Consider the following data to be plotted (stored as sdata ): Copy to clipboard. Use ListPlot to plot sdata: Copy to clipboard. Plot sdata by filling to the axis: Copy to clipboard.