Grid -- from Wolfram MathWorld · A grid usually refers to two or more infinite sets of evenly-spaced parallel lines at particular angles to each other in a plane, or the intersections of such lines. The two most common types of grid are orthogonal grids, with two sets of lines perpendicular to each other (such as the square grid), and isometric grids, with three sets of lines at 60-degree angles to …
Grid—Wolfram Language Documentation › language › refIn a notebook, you can enter expressions in a two-dimensional layout by using to add columns and to add rows. By default, this layout evaluates to a nested list. You can make a Grid that preserves the layout by using Grid [ layout]. You can use to move to the next placeholder in a Grid. moves out of the whole Grid.
Grids & Tables—Wolfram Language Documentation › language › guideGrids & Tables. Built into the Wolfram Language is a uniquely flexible and concise language for creating 1D and 2D layouts — from simple tables to the most elaborate information displays and user interfaces. The Wolfram Language provides both automatic aesthetic choice and detailed control. Its symbolic architecture allows direct programmatic ...
GridLines—Wolfram Language Documentation › language › refGrid line styles can involve any graphics directives, such as RGBColor and Thickness. The grid line function func [x min, x max] may return any other grid line option. AbsoluteOptions gives the explicit form of GridLines specifications when Automatic settings are used. GridLinesStyle gives default styles to use for grid lines.