Research Areas in Mathematics Ecology. 1. Research in this area is focused on the local and global stability analysis, detection of possible bifurcation scenario and derivation of normal form, chaotic dynamics for the ordinary as well as delay differential equation models, stochastic stability analysis for stochastic differential equation model systems and ...
Mathematical Analysis Research Papers - › Documents › inMathematical Analysis An efficient access control method for multimedia social networks Multimedia social networks (MMSNs) have provided a con-venient way to share the multimedia contents such as im-ages, videos, blogs, etc. online. However, due to various privacy concerns people often want to selectively share the contents... more Download
Mathematical analysis - EPSRC website › researchareas › mathanalysisMathematical analysis Quantifying change, with a key role played by fundamental notions of continuity and approximation. This research area includes, for example, Fourier and harmonic analysis, operator theory, ordinary and partial differential equations (PDEs), probability theory, stochastic analysis and applications of analysis.