Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry | Home · Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry. MPAG is a single-blind peer-reviewed journal organized in sections. Each section is editorially independent and provides a high forum for research articles in the respective areas. The entire editorial board commits itself to combine the requirements of an accurate and fast refereeing process.
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry | Home › journal › 11040Jan 13, 2022 · Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry. MPAG is a single-blind peer-reviewed journal organized in sections. Each section is editorially independent and provides a high forum for research articles in the respective areas. The entire editorial board commits itself to combine the requirements of an accurate and fast refereeing process.
Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry › journalsearchApplications of probability theory and statistical physics to other areas of mathematics, such as analysis (stochastic pde's), random geometry, combinatorial aspects are also addressed. The section on Quantum Theory publishes research papers on developments in geometry, probability and analysis that are relevant to quantum theory.