Mathematical Tools for Physics › mathematical_methods-threeMathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by Riley, Hobson, and Bence. Cambridge Uni-versity Press For the quantity of well-written material here, it is surprisingly inexpensive in paperback. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences by Boas. John Wiley Publ About the right level and with a very useful selection of topics.
Principles of Mathematical Physics › ~jmf › TeachingThis mathematical fact turns out to have an important physical consequence. Let x(t) be a physical trajectory for a particle in a force field for which x(0) ˘x0 is a point of equilibrium; that is, a point where the force field vanishes. Then if x˙(0) ˘0 then x(t) ˘ x0 for all t. Indeed, the constant trajectory x(t) ˘ x0 for all t obeys ...
Mathematics for Physics I › fa2016 › amasterThe mathematical prerequisites for the course are a sound grasp of un-dergraduate calculus (including the vector calculus needed for electricity and magnetism courses), linear algebra (the more the better), and competence at complex arithmetic. Fourier sums and integrals, as well as basic ordinary
Mathematical Physics › ~isatija › phys301constitutes “mathematical physics’”as the term is generally understood in its pedagogical sense. This course devoted to some of the topics of this core set. Taking the phrase “mathematical physics” literally, this course is not an applied mathematics text in the conventional sense. It digresses into physics whenever the opportunity ...
Mathematical Methods for Introductory Physics › math_for_intro_physicsphysics major or later, perhaps as a pre-medical student or math major. This math is not horrible difficult, but it often (and quite reasonably) is challenging for students of introductory physics. It is often the first time they are called upon to actually use a lot of the math they took over several years of instruction in high school and ...