How To Create Vectors In MatLab®(Illustrated Expression) › how-to-create-vectors-in-matlabThis text shows how to obtain vectors in Matlab® and how to create vector variables in Matlab® codes. As its name implies, Matlab® generally works with the base of matrices. Also, vectors are matrices and you could do various matrice calculations with your created vector in Matlab®. Also, you could do mathematical calculations with Matlab® vectors and you could insert the Matlab® vector to mathematical calculations with other matrices, vectors, and individual variables.
Create array of all zeros - MATLAB zeros MATLAB function returns the scalar 0. You can specify typename as 'gpuArray'.If you specify typename as 'gpuArray', the default underlying type of the array is double. To create a GPU array with underlying type datatype, specify the underlying type as an additional argument before typename.For example, X = zeros(3,datatype,'gpuArray') creates a 3-by-3 GPU array of zeros …