Evaluate function - MATLAB feval - MathWorks Deutschland
https://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/feval.htmlfeval Evaluate function collapse all in page Syntax [y1,...,yN] = feval (fun,x1,...,xM) Description example [y1,...,yN] = feval (fun,x1,...,xM) evaluates a function using its name or its handle, and using the input arguments x1,...,xM. The feval function follows the same scoping and precedence rules as calling a function handle directly.
feval (MATLAB Functions) - Northwestern University
www.ece.northwestern.edu/local-apps/matlabhelp/techdoc/ref/feval.htmlMATLAB Function Reference feval Function evaluation Syntax [y1,y2,...] = feval(fhandle,x1,...,xn) [y1,y2,...] = feval(function,x1,...,xn) Description [y1,y2,...] = feval(fhandle,x1,...,xn)
Evaluate cfit, sfit, or fittype object - MATLAB feval
https://www.mathworks.com/help/curvefit/feval.htmlTo evaluate the fittype object, f, call the feval function. y1 = feval (f,1,10.3,-1e2,X) y1 = 0.0349 0.6612 0.1245 3.8422 Alternatively, you can treat fit objects as functions and call feval indirectly using this syntax. y1 = f (1,10.3,-1e2,X) y1 = 0.0349 0.6612 0.1245 3.8422 Now evaluate the cfit object, c. y2 = feval (c,X)