MATLAB Commands - GeeksforGeeks › matlab-commandsJul 04, 2021 · MATLAB Commands. MATLAB is an interactive multi-programming language and numeric computing environment developed by MathWorks. MATLAB provides the Commands that will be used when the user wants to interact with any application using the command line interface. Following are the lists of commands used in MATLAB.
MATLAB - Commands - Tutorialspoint › matlab › matlab_commandsCommand Purpose; axis: Sets axis limits. fplot: Intelligent plotting of functions. grid: Displays gridlines. plot: Generates xy plot. print: Prints plot or saves plot to a file. title: Puts text at top of plot. xlabel: Adds text label to x-axis. ylabel: Adds text label to y-axis. axes: Creates axes objects. close: Closes the current plot. close all: Closes all plots. figure
MATLAB Commands - GeeksforGeeks · MATLAB Commands. MATLAB is an interactive multi-programming language and numeric computing environment developed by MathWorks. MATLAB provides the Commands that will be used when the user wants to interact with any application using the command line interface. Following are the lists of commands used in MATLAB.
MATLAB Commands and Functions - Omicron Chapter › resources › filesMATLAB Commands – 3 General Purpose Commands Operators and Special Characters + Plus; addition operator. - Minus; subtraction operator. * Scalar and matrix multiplication operator..* Array multiplication operator. ^ Scalar and matrix exponentiation operator..^ Array exponentiation operator. \ Left-division operator. / Right-division operator.
Matlab Commands - UH › ~torok › math_6298either xa vector ofsize nand ya vector of size m. or xand ymatrices of size n xm. Also surfc, surfl, contour,contour3, mesh, meshz,meshc, bar3, etc.; see the help forsurf. Here is an example: [X,Y]=meshgrid(linspace(1,2,10), linspace(3,5,10));gr=mesh(X,Y,X+Y-6,'edgecolor','green')hold onbl=mesh(X,Y,2*X-Y,'edgecolor','black')alpha(gr, .5)alpha(bl, .5)