Newton-Raphson Method MATLAB Program | Code with C › newton-raphson-method-matlabFeb 25, 2015 · Newton Raphson Method in MATLAB: % Program Code of Newton-Raphson Method in MATLAB a=input('Enter the function in the form of variable x:','s'); x(1)=input('Enter Initial Guess:'); error=input('Enter allowed Error:'); f=inline(a) dif=diff(sym(a)); d=inline(dif); for i=1:100 x(i+1)=x(i)-((f(x(i))/d(x(i)))); err(i)=abs((x(i+1)-x(i))/x(i)); if err(i)<error break end end root=x(i)
Matlab Newton's Method Code - Stack Overflow › questions › 30878726Using Newton's Method and each of the 1000000 points as our initial approximation, we are supposed to get an approximation of a root of the function at each point. Then if the norm(approximate root minus one of the 3 actual roots) is less than a user-defined tolerance, we make that point in the 1000 x 1000 array one of 4 color codes: 0, 20, 40, or 60.