Matrix polynomial evaluation - MATLAB polyvalm › help › matlabp ( x) = x 4 - 2 9 x 3 + 7 2 x 2 - 2 9 x + 1. Pascal matrices have the property that the vector of coefficients of the characteristic polynomial is the same forward and backward (palindromic). Substitute the matrix, X, into the characteristic equation, p. The result is very close to being a zero matrix. This example is an instance of the Cayley ...
polyval (MATLAB Functions) › matlabhelp › refy = polyval(p,x) returns the value of a polynomial of degree n evaluated at x. The input argument p is a vector of length n+1 whose elements are the coefficients in descending powers of the polynomial to be evaluated. x can be a matrix or a vector. In either case, polyval evaluates p at each element of x. y = polyval(p,x,[],mu) uses in place of .
polyval (MATLAB Functions) - Northwestern University Function Reference polyval Polynomial evaluation Syntax y = polyval(p,x) y = polyval(p,x,[],mu) [y,delta] = polyval(p,x,S) [y,delta] = polyval(p,x,S,mu) Description y = polyval(p,x) The input argument pis a vector of length n+1whose elements are the coefficients in descending powers of the polynomial to be evaluated.
Polynomial evaluation - MATLAB polyval = polyval (p,x, [],mu) or [y,delta] = polyval (p,x,S,mu) use the optional output mu produced by polyfit to center and scale the data. mu (1) is mean (x), and mu (2) is std (x). Using these values, polyval centers x at zero and scales it to have unit standard deviation,
多項式の計算 - MATLAB polyval - MathWorks 日本多項式の計算 - MATLAB polyval - MathWorks 日本 このページの翻訳は最新ではありません。 ここをクリックして、英語の最新版を参照してください。 polyval 多項式の計算 ページ内をすべて折りたたむ 構文 y = polyval (p,x) [y,delta] = polyval (p,x,S) y = polyval (p,x, [],mu) [y,delta] = polyval (p,x,S,mu) 説明 例 y = polyval (p,x) は、多項式 p を x の各点で評価します。 引数 p は、長さ …
Polynomial evaluation - MATLAB polyval - MathWorks Deutschland = polyval (p,x, [],mu) or [y,delta] = polyval (p,x,S,mu) use the optional output mu produced by polyfit to center and scale the data. mu (1) is mean (x), and mu (2) is std (x). Using these values, polyval centers x at zero and scales it to have unit standard deviation,