Solving Nonlinear Equation(s) in MATLAB › courses › CHEE222The MATLAB routine fsolve is used to solve sets of nonlinear algebraic equations using a quasi-Newton method. The user must supply a routine to evaluate the function vector. Consider the following system of nonlinear equations, and solve for x1 and x2: The m-file used to solve the above problem using fsolve is:
Solve a nonlinear equation - MATLAB & Simulink › matlabcentral › answersNov 18, 2013 · Accepted Answer. If you assume natural logs, then there are no non-complex solutions. The value of the expression (assuming natural logs) is negative between 0 and 1 (going to negative infinity at those two bounds.) Outside of that range, the expression is real-valued at exactly one point near -3.000138648 and at exactly one point near 1 ...