matrix clause - English Practice › tag › matrix-clauseMatrix clause A clause which contains a subordinate clause within it. In the complex sentence, ‘The children who stood first in the examination were given prizes’, the matrix clause is ‘The children … were given prizes’, while the remainder is the subordinate clause (who stood first in the examination) contained within it.
matrix clause - English Practice clause. A clause which contains a subordinate clause within it. In the complex sentence, ‘The children who stood first in the examination were given prizes’, the matrix clause is ‘The children … were given prizes’, while the remainder is the subordinate clause (who stood first in the examination) contained within it.
DAU Provision and Clause Matrix › tools › tMar 18, 2022 · DAU Provision and Clause Matrix. 4.1 stars out of 5 based on 40 user ratings. This tool provides guidance on the use of all provisions and clauses contained in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), and various agency supplements. It also includes guidance on the use of provisions ...
Matrix clause - Glottopedia matrix clause is a clause that structurally surrounds an embedded clause.. Examples. In the following sentence, the matrix clause is The man i … winced in pain, and the embedded clause is the child kicked t i in the shins.. The man that the child kicked in the shins winced in pain.
Matrix clause - Glottopedia › index › Matrix_clauseMatrix clause A matrix clause is a clause that structurally surrounds an embedded clause . Examples In the following sentence, the matrix clause is The mani … winced in pain, and the embedded clause is the child kicked t i in the shins. The man that the child kicked in the shins winced in pain. STUB This article is a stub.