Differential Equation - Differential Equation and Matrix ...
www.sharetechnote.com › html › DE_DEvsMatrixAs you would have learned in Matrix pages, you would need a set of simultaneous equations to construct a matrix. In this case, you would need a set of simultaneous differential equations to construct a matrix. Let's suppose we have a set of simultaneous differential equations as follows. (This is a form of linear homogeneous simultaneous equations). For now, let's not think about the meaning of these equations.. let's just suppose it's given to us.
Matrix Differential Equations Jacobs - Xecunet
users.xecu.net › jacobs › DESince P−1AP is a diagonal matrix, the matrix differential equation is now: (dv 1 dt dv2 dt) = (λ1 0 0 λ2)(v1 v2) = (λ1v1 λ2v2) If we now compare coordinates, we get two simple differential equations: dv1 dt = λ1v1 dv2 dt = λ2v2 These equations can be solved easily using separation of variables. v1(t) = c1eλ1t v2(t) = c2eλ2t where c1 and c2 are constants.
numerics - Solving Matrix Differential equations with ...
mathematica.stackexchange.com › questions › 167439Mar 08, 2018 · M:= Matrix ( n, n, shape=identity ) + alpha*Matrix ( n, n, (i,j)->sin(i*Pi*nu*t/l)*sin(j*Pi*nu*t/l) ): C:= 2*alpha*Matrix ( n, n, (i,j)->(j*Pi*nu/l)*sin(i*Pi*nu*t/l)*cos(j*Pi*nu*t/l) ): K:= Matrix ( n, n, (i,j)-> `if`( i=j, (j*Pi/l)^4*E*J/(rho*A)+(j*Pi/l)^2*N/(rho*A), 0 ) ) - alpha*Matrix ( n, n, (i,j)->(j*Pi*nu/l)^2*sin(i*Pi*nu*t/l)*sin(j*Pi*nu*t/l) ): VV:= Vector[column] ( n, j->V[j](t) ): FF:=Vector[column] ( n, j->F[j](t) ): PP:= P/(rho*A) * Vector[column] ( n, j->sin(j*Pi*nu*t/l) )+FF ...