Flag of Mauritania - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Flag_of_MauritaniaThe flag of Mauritania ( Arabic: علم موريتانيا) is a green field containing a gold star and crescent, with a red stripe at the top and bottom of the field. The original national flag was introduced under the instructions of President Moktar Ould Daddah and the constitution of 22 March 1959 and was adopted on 1 April 1959.
Flag of Mauritania | Flagpedia.net
https://flagpedia.net/mauritaniaThe flag of Mauritania consists of a green leaf with a yellow crescent bearing a yellow five-pointed star. The flag has both traditional African and Islamic symbolism - yellow and green are the traditional Arabic colors and green together with the crescent moon and the star are of importance for the Muslim majority in Mauritania.
Flag of Mauritania - Flagpedia.net
flagpedia.net › mauritaniaThe flag of Mauritania consists of a green leaf with a yellow crescent bearing a yellow five-pointed star. The flag has both traditional African and Islamic symbolism - yellow and green are the traditional Arabic colors and green together with the crescent moon and the star are of importance for the Muslim majority in Mauritania.
Flag of Mauritania - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_MauritaniaThe flag of Mauritania (Arabic: علم موريتانيا) is a green field containing a gold star and crescent, with a red stripe at the top and bottom of the field. The original national flag was introduced under the instructions of President Moktar Ould Daddah and the constitution of 22 March 1959 and was adopted on 1 April 1959. On 5 August 2017, a referendum was held by president Mohamed Ould Abdel A…
Flag of Mauritania - World Flags
https://www.worldflags.net/mauritaniamr. Facts about the flag: The flag was adopted in the same year that Mauritania became an independent republic, in 1959, although the country still retained special relations with the French empire. The green color is known to represent Islam, which is the most widely used religion in the country. The crescent and star is also a traditional Muslim ...
Mauritanias flagg – Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauritanias_flaggMauritanias flagg ble tatt i bruk 15. august 2017. Flagget er grønt med to røde stripene på toppen og bunnen, og en halvmåne og stjerne i gult. Grønn-, rød- og gullfargen regnes som panafrikanske farger. Grønt brukes også for å symbolisere islam, rødt for å symbolisere blodet til de som døde i kampen for uavhengighet, og gullfargen for å symbolisere sanden i Sahara. Halvmånen og …