2.4 The Maximal Interval of Existence
site.iugaza.edu.ps › asakka › filesThe interval (α,β) in Theorem 1 is called the maximal interval of existence of the solution x(t) of the initial value problem (1) or simply the maximal interval of existence of the initial value problem (1). Corollary 1. Let E be an open subset of Rn and assume that f ∈ C1(E) and let (α,β) be the maximal interval of existence of the solution x(t) of the initial value problem (1).
1 Continuation of solutions - University of Pittsburgh
www.math.pitt.edu › ~sph › 1275the maximal interval of existence is always an open interval. Furthermore, if the maximal interval of existence is bounded, then the solution becomes unbounded as t approaches either end of this interval. In the following theorem I will only consider solutions for t 0;but similar remarks apply for t<0: Theorem 1 Suppose in (1) that fand @f @y