Prime Gaps - wstein January 2010) maximal prime gaps, and plot it out against their merit. (Below, in blue.) Let us then take a look at the logarithm of the prime counting function estimate, ln(x/ln(x)), and plot it against the data given above, (in red,) and a correlation arises: Neff’s Merit Conjecture: Merit of Maximal Gaps g n @ A 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ...
The Top-20 Prime Gaps - Prime Records prime gaps. Definitions for this site: There is a prime gap with positive integers p 1 and p 2 as end points, if p 1 < p 2 are consecutive primes (all intermediate numbers are composites). Some people define p 1 +1 and p 2-1 to be the end points. The size of the prime gap is p 2 - p 1. Some people define it to be one less.