2020 Impact Factors - Released - mdpi.com
www.mdpi.com › about › announcementsJun 30, 2021 · 2020 Impact Factors - Released The 2020 citation metrics have been officially released in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR)! We are pleased to announce that 85 MDPI journals are included, of which: 10 journals received their first impact factor 96% of journals increased their impact factor from 2019
MDPI - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MDPIMDPI or Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute is a publisher of open access scientific journals. Founded by Shu-Kun Lin as a chemical sample archive, it has established over 200 broad-scope journals. MDPI is the largest open access publisher in the world and the 5th largest publisher overall in terms of journal paper output. The number of published papers has been growing significantly in the last decade with year over year growth of over 50% in 2017, 2018 an…
MDPI | 2020 Impact Factors - Released
https://www.mdpi.rs/announcement/28442020 Impact Factors - Released. The 2020 citation metrics have been officially released in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR)!. We are pleased to announce that 85 MDPI journals are included, of which:. 10 journals received their first impact factor; 96% of journals increased their impact factor from 2019; 32 journals (38%) ranked among the top 25% of journals, in at least one …
MDPI | 2020 Impact Factors - Released
www.mdpi.rs › announcement › 28442020 Impact Factors - Released The 2020 citation metrics have been officially released in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR)! We are pleased to announce that 85 MDPI journals are included, of which: 10 journals received their first impact factor 96% of journals increased their impact factor from 2019
Pathogens | An Open Access Journal from MDPI
https://www.mdpi.com/journal/pathogensPathogens is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of pathogens and pathogen-host interactions published monthly online by MDPI.. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.; High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, PMC, Embase, AGRICOLA, CaPlus / SciFinder, and …
Symmetry | An Open Access Journal from MDPI
https://www.mdpi.com/journal/SymmetrySymmetry. Symmetry is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal covering research on symmetry/asymmetry phenomena wherever they occur in all aspects of natural sciences. Symmetry is published monthly online by MDPI. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.