Media Arts and Sciences (MAS) < MIT Arts and Sciences (MAS) < MIT Media Arts and Sciences (MAS) Undergraduate Subjects MAS.131 Computational Camera and Photography Subject meets with MAS.531 Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Fall) Not offered regularly; consult department 3-0-9 units
Media Arts and Sciences | MIT Graduate Admissions › programs › mas*The PhD degree is available to MIT Media Arts and Sciences master's students only. IELTS can be waived by the department under certain circumstances (1) if you have received instruction in English in primary and secondary school or (2) if you have been in the US for three years and will have received a degree from an American institution before entering MIT.
Media Arts and Sciences - Wellesley College › MASThe Media Arts & Sciences major is jointly supported between the Art Department and Computer Science Department. The program focuses on media production that balances artistic sensibility with analytical reasoning within the rich tradition of the liberal arts environment.