Standings - Meltwater Champions Chess Tour 2022 $. Radoslaw Wojtaszek. 2694. $. * The 2022 Tour will feature several bonus prizes in addition to the main prizes. The largest of these is a prize for the players who played the most ‘Fighting Chess’, as measured by an index based on a simplified version of David Smerdon’s Fighting Chess Index. At the end of the tour, prizes will be ...
Meltwater Champions Chess Tour 2022 - Official Website ... › tourDec 11, 2021 · The season starts on February 19 and runs until November. Here are the key details: What's at stake? At $1.6 million, the Tour boasts the richest prize fund ever for a series of online chess events. Players from around the world compete to win 9 titles and the crown of overall Tour Champion.
Sjakk - Magnus Carlsen med nok en remis. Magnus Carlsen spilte ny remis i dramatisk parti i sjakk-VM. Magnus Carlsen startet sjakk-VM med remis – Tenkte at han var en rar fyr fra Norge.
Standings - Meltwater Champions Chess Tour 2022 › tour › standings2535. $. Radoslaw Wojtaszek. 2694. $. * The 2022 Tour will feature several bonus prizes in addition to the main prizes. The largest of these is a prize for the players who played the most ‘Fighting Chess’, as measured by an index based on a simplified version of David Smerdon’s Fighting Chess Index. At the end of the tour, prizes will be ...
sjakk meltwater - SRCH søkemotor · Meltwater er et sterkt merkenavn, og en utmerket samarbeidspartner for vårt mål om å øke populariteten for sjakk og Champions Chess Tour, sier Andreas Thome, CEO i Play Magnus Group. - Vi tror potensialet for sjakk som publikumssport er enormt, og gjennom 2020 har vi bygget vårt flaggskip Champions Chess Tour.