Object Oriented Programming: Message Passing
oopbyans.blogspot.com › 2011 › 01Oct 28, 2017 · Message Passing. Message Passing: o Objects can communicate with each others by passing message same as people passing message with each other. o Objects can send or receive message or information. o Message passing involves name of object, name of function (message) and information to be send. o For example, student.mark (name).
What is meant by message passing in Java OOPs? - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 39725558Sep 27, 2016 · Message passing is an abstract topic in computer science that have nothing to do with a specific language, or OO ideas in particularly.. Briefly, message passing is describing a way for a program/process to communicate with parts of the system - both in-process, or remotely in distributed environments, by sending (or dispatching) messages (or events) between the components as the communication ...