Henderson, W. (1982). Metaphor in Economics. Economies ...
www.scirp.org › (S(i43dyn45teexjx455qlt3d2qABSTRACT: This paper is aimed to comparatively analyze metaphors in English and Chinese economic news headlines, to announce the pervasiveness of metaphors in economic news headline and to find out the similarities and differences of conceptual metaphors between English and Chinese. Due to the common cognitive basis, the sub-metaphors are basically the same in the presence of Chinese and English news headlines.
Metaphors in Economics: Conceptual Mapping Possibilities in ...
www.sciencedirect.com › science › articleJan 01, 2015 · Abstract. Contemporary theory of metaphor stresses its cognitive nature, as opposed to traditional view of metaphor as rather a linguistic ornament. Its importance in the field of science education has been already recognized, yet the application to the area of economic education is still missing. Besides the discussion of literality and figurativeness in economic terminology, this article gives the account of the way the conceptual theory of metaphor can be applied to teaching basic ...
Economic Metaphors
https://userpages.umbc.edu/~corer1/MetaphorPaper.pdfEconomic Metaphors Now, metaphors concerning the topic of economics are very useful in this field for speaking about the current economic status within communities, states, stocks, etc. For example, one could refer to stock prices as objects either floating or falling in the sky, as mentioned in an article by William Saletan from Slate Magazine.
Economic Metaphors
userpages.umbc.edu › ~corer1 › MetaphorPaperEconomic Metaphors Metaphor Metaphors are a common part of all types of communication. A metaphor is defined as “a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them.”(merriam-webster.com) They allow people to