Microbial biotechnology - SlideShare
www.slideshare.net › RIZWANABBAS3 › microbialOct 10, 2017 · Microorganisms O Minute living things unseen by the naked eyes O Diverse and unique life form O Ubiquitous in nature O Used in the production of fermented foods (eg. beer wine bread etc.) O Used in the production of enzymes and bioactive compounds for medical and pharmaceuticals O Used in bioremediation and waste treatment. 4.
Microbial biotechnology - ScienceDirect
www.sciencedirect.com › science › articleAbstract. For thousands of years, microorganisms have been used to supply products such as bread, beer and wine. A second phase of traditional microbial biotechnology began during World War I and resulted in the development of the acetone-butanol and glycerol fermentations, followed by processes yielding, for example, citric acid, vitamins and antibiotics.
Microbial Biotechnology | Biotechnology
www.biologydiscussion.com › microbialBiotechnology is the application of living organisms and their products in industrial processes on large scale. Microbial biotechnology is that aspect of biotechnology which involves the use of microorganisms or their products. Microbial biotechnology is sometimes also referred to as industrial microbiology which is an old field that has been given new dimensions because of the discoveries made in the field of genetic engineering in vitro manipulation of DNA molecules to generate new ...