Microbes and diseases - SlideShare
www.slideshare.net › SagarDivetiya › microbes-diseasesSep 08, 2013 · Infection An infection is the invasion and multiplication of microbes in an individual or population. Infectious disease Is a disease caused by a microbe Disease is when the infection causes damage to the individual’s vital functions and systems. Disease Disease is a wider term covers genetic and other diseases too, but it is often used besides Infectious disease.
Infectious Diseases
www.dli.pa.gov › Businesses › CompensationInfectious Diseases. Top 10 Diseases. HIV/AIDS. Ebola. SARs-Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Malaria. Anthrax. Cholera. Bubonic Plague. Influenza. Typhoid fever. Smallpox. PPT-089-01. http://www.sciencechannel.com/life-earth-science/10-infectious-diseases.htm. Measles should also be considered. This Top Ten List is only one organization’s idea.
Infectious Diseases - FNHK
https://www.fnhk.cz/fs405/infectious-diseases.pptInfectious Diseases Assoc. Prof. Jan Laco, MD, PhD Polioviruses poliomyelitis anterior acuta acute febrile d., children direct contact, water CNS - necrosis of motoneurons of anterior horns of spinal cord muscle paresis, paralyses (lower limbs) neurogenic atrophy Coxsackie - viruses epidemic d., children herpangina – pharyngitis myocarditis meningitis polymyositis Viral …