MicroK8s - Troubleshooting | MicroK8s
https://microk8s.io/docs/troubleshootingBut MicroK8s gives you tools to help work out what has gone wrong, as detailed below. Be sure to check out the common issues section for help resolving the most frequently encountered problems. Checking logs If a pod is not behaving as expected, the first port of call should be the logs. First determine the resource identifier for the pod:
MicroK8s - Troubleshooting
microk8s.io › docs › troubleshootingChecking logs. If a pod is not behaving as expected, the first port of call should be the logs. First determine the resource identifier for the pod: microk8s kubectl get pods. This will list the currently available pods, for example: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE mk8s-redis-7647889b6d-vjwqm 1/1 Running 0 2m24s.
MicroK8s - MicroK8s with an external LMA
microk8s.io › docs › external-lmaMicroK8s with an external LMA. This page describes how to configure MicroK8s to ship logs and metric data to an external Logging, Monitoring and Alerting (LMA) stack. The LMA stack used in this example consists of: What’s covered in this documentation: How to setup and configure Grafana, Prometheus, Alertmanager or any other mentioned tools ...