Microsoft Events Catalog · Using Microsoft Security and Compliance tools, this event will share recommended security best-practices by working through challenges inspired from real-world scenarios. During the “hacking” participants will focus on analysing and remediating security configurations in a pre-configured Microsoft online organisation.
Microsoft Events Catalog › en-us › azureLM IT Services AG will use this data exclusively for the execution of the event. If you have any questions about this event or registration, please contact Alternatively, you can also contact our support hotline at +49 (0) 541 40664 760.
Microsoft Events Catalog Envision is a global digital event series for senior business leaders, presented with Accenture, Avanade. Hear from thought leaders and industry executives to help drive digital transformation, discuss the latest trending topics, and understand ways to tackle the challenges facing all industries today.
Microsoft Events Catalog 25, 2005 · Using Microsoft Security and Compliance tools, this event will share recommended security best-practices by working through challenges inspired from real-world scenarios. During the “hacking” participants will focus on analysing and remediating security configurations in a pre-configured Microsoft online organisation.