A Modified Secant Method for Semismooth Equations
core.ac.uk › download › pdfA Modified Secant Method Table 3. 881 with zo = 0.1, 51 = 0.05. Here d-d+ < 0, the two-step Q-quadratic convergence is evident for secant and modified secant method with Q,, = 0.9. But the modification has a faster convergence. The modified secant method with (Y, = 1 - 10~” is Q-quadratically convergent. Table 4.
THE SECANT METHOD - University of Iowa
homepage.math.uiowa.edu/~whan/3800.d/S3-3.pdfThe Secant Method Recall the formula x 2 = x 1 f(x 1) x 1 x 0 f(x 1) f(x 0): The Secant Method Initialization. Two initial guesses x 0 and x 1 of are chosen. Iteration. For n = 1;2;3; , x n+1 = x n f(x n) x n x n 1 f(x n) f(x n 1) until certain stopping criterion is satis ed (required solution accuracy or maximal number of iterations is
homepage.math.uiowa.edu › ~whan › 3800It is clear from the numerical results that the secant method requires more iterates than the Newton method (e.g., with Newton’s method, the iterate x 6 is accurate to the machine precision of around 16 decimal digits). But note that the secant method does not require a knowledge of f0(x), whereas Newton’s method requires both f(x) and f0(x).