Oct 28, 2020 · Dear sunpy developer, I am trying to use sunpy 2.0.3 the build from conda in a jupyter notebook. import sunpy works but import sunpy.map returns: AttributeError: module 'contextlib' has no attribute 'asynccontextmanager' Is there a worka...
2 dager siden · contextlib.suppress (* exceptions) ¶ Return a context manager that suppresses any of the specified exceptions if they occur in the body of a with statement and then resumes execution with the first statement following the end of the with statement.. As with any other mechanism that completely suppresses exceptions, this context manager should be used only …
2 days ago · contextlib. suppress (*exceptions) ¶. Return a context manager that suppresses any of the specified exceptions if they occur in the body of a with statement and then resumes execution with the first statement following the end of the with statement. As with any other mechanism that completely suppresses exceptions, this context manager should ...
Oct 11, 2021 · It looks like the nullcontext usage is new in v0.21.0, released 9 days ago, so it's likely just a new compatibility bug they haven't caught yet. – user2357112 supports Monica Oct 11 at 4:43
Dec 07, 2018 · Issue contextlib.nullcontext from 3.7 isn't recognized as an attribute of contextlib in mypy 0.650. Reproduce $ ls $ pipenv install --dev mypy Creating a Pipfile for this project…
Thank you for your nice work! I have one minor question, when I use python 3.6, it says AttributeError: module 'contextlib' has no attribute 'nullcontext'. I think python should be version 3.7?
The following are 21 code examples for showing how to use contextlib.nullcontext().These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Thank you for your nice work! I have one minor question, when I use python 3.6, it says AttributeError: module 'contextlib' has no attribute 'nullcontext'. I think python should be …
This module provides utilities for common tasks involving the with statement. ... cm has no effect. cm = contextlib.nullcontext() with cm: # Do something.
07.12.2018 · Issue contextlib.nullcontext from 3.7 isn't recognized as an attribute of contextlib in mypy 0.650. ... Module 'contextlib' has no attribute 'nullcontext' $ pipenv run mypy -V mypy 0.650 $ python file.py # python3.7 interpreter works $ python -V Python 3.7.1
Is there a way to begin a block of code with a with statement, but conditionally? ... contextlib.nullcontext is pretty much just a no-op context manager.
_use_amp else contextlib.nullcontext with context(): output ... fileobj is not None: if not file_opened_here: fileobj = _nullcontext(fileobj) with fileobj ...
Circular imports cause problems, but Python has ways to mitigate it built-in. The problem is when you run python a.py, it runs a.py but not mark it imported as a module. So in turn a.py -> imports module b -> imports module a -> imports module b. The last import a no-op since b is currently being imported and Python guards against that.